August 12, 2011

Silence is a safe mode.

Kalau aku terasa hati,aku tk cakap dekat orang. Aku diam je. Buat hal sendiri. Kalau aku perlu tahan sakit,I'll make sure I'm strong. Diam je. Buat hal sendiri. Dia apa tahu? Baik aku diam je. Buat hal sendiri.

Aku tk ada time untuk cure hati sendiri because most of the time I'm curing others heart. Bagi aku,people comes first in my life and then only I'll think about me. Yaa,me.

Now,I am standing by my two feet struggling against the pain in my heart.
Who knew..


1 comment:

gds said...

lulu sangat kuat. kite tahu :)